For JobSeekers

Let’s get real with Ningzhen Xu: a 2nd Lower graduate who made it into one of the top Japanese FMCG firms.

A good GPA will land you a good career when you graduate. That’s the common perception among students who focused a lot on their academics in hopes to achieve a good GPA upon their graduation. Achieving First Class Honors is almost every student’s dream, even for Ningzhen. However, while her peers achieved stellar results, Ningzhen […]

Let’s get real with Ningzhen Xu: a 2nd Lower graduate who made it into one of the top Japanese FMCG firms. Read More »

Let’s chat with Cheryl Tan: an introverted graduate who enjoys cheerleading and orientation camps.

Yes, you read that right No, we have definitely proofread the title too. As confused as you are, so were we when we talked to Cheryl Tan, who identified herself as an introvert. What was more surprising was that she admitted she was not good at public speaking and dreaded talking to strangers. Yet, she

Let’s chat with Cheryl Tan: an introverted graduate who enjoys cheerleading and orientation camps. Read More »

Heartfelt conversations with Gerald Leong: a SIM graduate who redefined stereotypes of a private university student.

One common thinking that most private university students have is that they are at a disadvantage as compared to local university graduates. But, this is not the case for Gerald Leong, who managed to prove such misconceptions wrong. As a SIM graduate, he was once afraid that his school’s name will place him at a

Heartfelt conversations with Gerald Leong: a SIM graduate who redefined stereotypes of a private university student. Read More »

5 tips if you are considering a career with no relevant degree or experience.

After graduation, we tend to seek careers which are related to our degrees in university and also gained the relevant experience from our internships. It is unlikely for anyone to make a change in their career which differs from their degree. However, we spoke to this graduate who made a switch in her career with

5 tips if you are considering a career with no relevant degree or experience. Read More »

5 get-going tips to start building your personal brand if you have not begun to do so!

Personal branding is important as it helps to establish and reinforce who you are and what you stand for in life and your career. For undergraduates, internships are the way for you to start. They let you gain relevant knowledge, skills, and experience while building connections in the industry. They also allow you to get

5 get-going tips to start building your personal brand if you have not begun to do so! Read More »

5 traits of an unhealthy work environment and here’s how you can work around it!

In a survey by Kantar, 44% of people working in Singapore are affected by “stress and anxiety” at work when the global average is at 39%. Many of us would spend a large proportion of our lives on work, it is important to understand the causes of stress and anxiety in the workplace. The workplace

5 traits of an unhealthy work environment and here’s how you can work around it! Read More »

Feeling stuck in the house? 5 Productivity hacks for working at home!

After 2020, most of us are working from home. There is less watercooler talk and work politics to deal with. Great for us! Yet working from home has its own set of challenges. As you are in the environment you are also resting in, how do you draw the line? Here are 5 ways which

Feeling stuck in the house? 5 Productivity hacks for working at home! Read More »