After 2020, most of us are working from home. There is less watercooler talk and work politics to deal with. Great for us! Yet working from home has its own set of challenges. As you are in the environment you are also resting in, how do you draw the line? Here are 5 ways which you can improve your productivity while working at home!
1. Set boundaries with people at home and work
As you work at home, it is easy for others to forget that you are currently working. Let the people at home know exactly when you are working and to not disturb you then. This allows you to focus well while you are supposed to be working. And when it is time for you to get off work, tune off from work. This is especially crucial now that you don’t have the physical change in locations to signal when work starts and ends. By setting these boundaries, you will be able to mentally switch between work-mode and rest- mode. Furthermore, you wouldn’t want to be half-hearted with both your work and relationships right?
2. Have a morning routine
Instead of hopping straight to work in your pyjamas, have a set morning routine to allow your mind to prepare for the day. While you no longer have to dress up to work and commute, having this routine will help you transit to work mode better.

3. Schedule your time (and take breaks necessarily)
Your supervisor is no longer around to monitor your work from home. For some, this may be difficult because not everyone is good at motivating themselves. If you happen to be as such, list down the deliverables that need to be done. Plan your time wisely. While it is good to stick to your plan, be flexible enough to accommodate work calls when necessary.
If you’re prone to workaholic tendencies, schedule your time for the meals and breaks which you would have missed while working in the office. When you’re at home, you have less of a reason to skip your meals as you have more autonomy over your time. Set alarms for when you need to eat and rest. Your body will thank you for it. In the long-term, this also improves your productivity levels as a healthier body works better.

4. Stay active in your virtual work chatroom
Sometimes, when you work at home, it is hard to come up with solutions to certain challenges. That’s why it is important to contribute to your virtual work chatroom so that you can bounce off ideas with your work colleagues. By being active in work chats, you are also signaling you are present in discussion.
Given that face-to-face interactions are kept at the minimum unless there are team cohesion outings, responding to your team members’ signals to them that you consider their opinions. Additionally, this may also help them to get to know your train of thought better. This increases the team’s overall morale and productivity.
5. Check-in with your supervisor regularly
Your supervisor won’t want you to be goofing off while you’re at work. Setting a weekly check-in one on one meeting with your supervisor helps to assure him/her. Update your manager on the progress of your work. Furthermore, they will be able to give you feedback on the quality of your work and if you are working in the right direction. Consistently communicating helps to build trust between both of you. However, if you’re struggling with a task, do not leave it till the weekly meeting to ask for them for help. This slows down the workflow of the whole team.
Every remote team has their style of doing things. These are just some productivity hacks for you to consider executing when you work from home. The list for these work from home tips are not limited to the ones listed above! Ultimately, whether it’s academics or work, understanding what suits you best is key to being productive.
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