Aug 2020 Update – Fortitude Budget: As part of the fourth COVID fallout budget support package, a new SGUnited Mid-Career Attachment scheme was created. Workforce Singapore (WSG) and Singapore Business Federation (SBF) have temporarily stopped taking in more employers’ applications for SGUnited Traineeships Programme as the offered positions far exceed the number of fresh and recent graduates who are likely to fill them. Host organisations are encouraged to take on mid-career individuals on attachments instead through the SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme: (SGUnited Mid-Career JobSeekers Info / SGUnited Mid-Career Employers Info).
With the pandemic situation disrupting businesses and lives of people all over the world, it has also left many career considerations of Singapore graduates in a precarious state. Fortunately as part of the Resilience Budget, our government has pushed for a S$100m programme (a joint initiative by the Ministry of Manpower and Workforce Singapore) called the SGUnited Traineeships Programme, which will assist companies in bringing in fresh graduates as trainees to support their business needs while tapping on substantial government support to co-fund their training allowance. Through this programme, locals who just graduated from ITE, polytechnics, universities and other educational institutions will be able to gain valuable work experience. Following the completion of the traineeship, employers will also be able to consider suitable trainees for permanent positions.
The programme will commence from 1st June, and under this programme the traineeships will last for up to 12 months. We have consolidated the public fact sheet and FAQs for your easy reference here, you can check for your programme’s eligibility as well as how to apply here: