Why Advertise with Us?

INTERNSG is the #1 ranked internship site on Google, Yahoo and Bing (based on common keywords search like “Singapore Internships”).

INTERNSG now has more than 500,000 pageviews monthly.

Since 2004, INTERNSG has been the leading internship listings provider in Singapore. It supports numerous corporations in achieving high human resource efficiency, and helps students gain invaluable corporate experiences which mould them to become future outstanding professionals.

Stakeholders of INTERNSG include employers from various industries and young adults from junior colleges, polytechnics, ITEs and universities, as well as foreigners who are looking for a temporary employment in Singapore.

How do I advertise on INTERNSG?

We offer limited premium advertising banners on our website. If you would like to advertise your products/services on INTERNSG, or feature an internship opportunity, please email moc.g1715891085snret1715891085ni@es1715891085itrev1715891085da1715891085.

To post an internship listing for free, please submit the details via this link

How should companies contact INTERNSG for other corporate/business-related questions which are not related to advertising?

For Employment Passes, Employment Act or Employee Entitlements-related queries, please refer to Ministry of Manpower website or our FAQs section. For other enquiries, please email moc.g1715891085snret1715891085ni@tr1715891085oppus1715891085

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